Arthritis In Pets: What You Need To Know

As your pet ages, you may see that movements they once performed with ease have become more challenging—they may take longer to climb the stairs, have a more difficult time jumping onto the couch or getting in and out of the car, walk with stiffness after lying down, or have a slight limp. Like their [...]

We’ve Got Your Six—Protecting Your Pet Against Heartworm Disease

While most pet owners are familiar with the term heartworm disease, the condition is often misunderstood. Despite safe and effective prevention, the disease continues to grow and spread at an alarming rate worldwide. Currently, more than one million pets in the United States are infected with heartworm disease—with countless more living undiagnosed. But, there’s no [...]

Hidden Hazard—Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs

Did you know that a dangerous pet toxin is hiding in plain sight? Xylitol is a natural sugar substitute that can cause life-threatening complications when consumed by dogs. Once limited to sugar-free foods, gum, and candy, xylitol is increasingly used as an ingredient in everyday snacks and household products. Learn the facts about xylitol toxicity [...]

Hot Mess Express: When Allergies in Pets Flare Up

An 8-year-old dog who has eaten a chicken-based food their entire life is now licking excessively at their paws and developing recurring ear infections. A long-haired cat is missing substantial amounts of fur on their hind end and tail, and you can feel tiny scabs on their cheeks, neck, ears, and tail base when you [...]

What’s Included in My Pet’s Dental Cleaning?

When you learn that your pet “needs a dental,” you likely have many questions. And there’s a good reason for that—while veterinary dentistry shares many similarities with human dentistry, the pet “dental” can have many definitions—and outcomes—depending on where the procedure is performed.  At Hearthstone Veterinary, we provide highly skilled veterinary dentistry that emphasizes safe [...]

5 Reasons Why Your Veterinary Hospital is Busier Than Ever

To say that the past few years have been challenging is certainly an understatement. No one has been unaffected by COVID-19 or its ripple effect—including veterinary professionals. As an essential industry, the veterinary profession did not pause during lockdowns, or waver during ever-changing restrictions and mandates. No matter what was happening in the rest of [...]

Pet Heat Safety FAQS

Summer offers no shortage of pet-friendly activities. We are all for getting out and enjoying all the summer fun, but we want you to keep in mind that extreme heat can be dangerous for people and pets. When the temperature climbs, ensure your pet stays cool, and you avoid a heat-related emergency. Our Hearthstone Veterinary [...]

The Vomiting Dog Explained

Many dogs vomit after the occasional dietary indiscretion, and while vomiting is common, it’s not always innocuous. Many serious conditions can cause your dog to vomit. Our team at Hearthstone Veterinary wants to provide information on why dogs vomit, and when you should be concerned. Learning the science behind dog vomiting Vomiting occurs when the [...]

Inappropriate Elimination: 5 Tips to Get Your Cat Back in the Box

Cats are fastidious creatures, and you would think they would always use their litter box, but pet owners commonly complain about their cat peeing outside their box. Feline inappropriate elimination has a multitude of causes, and finding the instigating factor can be challenging. However, you can encourage your cat to do their business in the [...]

July Fourth Pet Safety Quiz

Hearthstone Veterinary Hospital wants you and your pet to enjoy traditional July Fourth activities together. Families have more free time to celebrate during the summer, but summer brings risks for pets. Noisy fireworks, backyard cookouts, vacation travel, and water recreation all endanger pets. Join us as we indulge in the socratic method with our Q&A [...]

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