Oregon winters can get quite chilly, and you don’t want to leave your pet out in the cold, which can be hazardous for pets. But, you can keep your pet cozy and warm with essential cold-weather pet gear and supplies. Our Hearthstone Veterinary Hospital team shares these must-have pet essentials that will keep your pet warm and toasty no matter how cold it gets. 

#1: A fleece-lined pet jacket

The first thing your pet needs for heading out in the cold is a warm jacket to keep them cozy. Your pet’s fur provides some insulation, but they need the extra warmth of a jacket, especially if they are prone to the cold. In below-freezing or wet conditions, your pet’s body temperature can drop quickly, putting them at risk of hypothermia, which occurs when their body temperature becomes dangerously low (i.e., 99 degrees or below), causing muscle stiffening and decreased heart rate. Pets who can benefit from a jacket include:

  • Short-haired pets — Pets with short, fine hair (e.g., greyhounds, whippets, Chihuahuas) have little body fat to keep them warm. 
  • Young and senior pets — These pets have weaker immune systems and do not retain body heat as well as healthy adult pets.  
  • Pets with health conditions — Health conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes can interfere with a pet’s ability to maintain their body temperature.
  • Short-legged pets — Pets with short legs (e.g., Basset hounds, dachshunds, corgis) can lose heat quickly, because they are low to the ground and snow.

Your pet’s jacket should fit snugly around them to trap body heat, but should not restrict their circulation or breathing. Supervise your pet when they are wearing their jacket, which they should not wear inside. 

#2: Moisturizing pet balm

Cold air, snow, ice, and salt on the sidewalk can damage your pet’s paws, which you should protect by moisturizing their sensitive paw pad skin with paw balm before venturing outdoors. After returning from your walk, thoroughly wipe your pet’s paws clean and dry, and reapply balm to help keep their paw pads soft and supple in the cold. 

#3: Pet booties

For pets who are willing, footwear can keep their paws covered and protected from snow, ice, and salt. Pet booties provide warmth, protection, and traction. To determine your pet’s size, measure from the heel to the tip of the toenail.

#4: A heated pet bed

When it’s too cold to go outside, keep your pet warm and cozy with a comfortable, heated bed.  These beds can soothe painful joints and relieve other painful conditions and are especially comforting for senior pets or pets with arthritis or hip dysplasia. Choose a heated pet bed with a removable cover that washes easily, keep cords out of pet’s reach, and unplug the bed when not in use. 

#5: Winter pet grooming supplies

Pet grooming is not only for summer—a healthy coat acts as a temperature regulator and helps your pet retain heat. Keep your pet’s coat healthy during cold weather with these grooming tools:

  • Nail clippers — Your pet’s nails require extra upkeep in the winter, because fewer walks mean nails don’t wear down as easily and need more frequent trimming. Snow and ice collects more easily under untrimmed toenails. 
  • Pet hair trimmers — Chemicals and salts used to melt ice on sidewalks and outdoor walkways can get stuck in the hair between your pet’s toes and paw pads, so keep your pet’s toe hair trimmed short. 
  • Pet brush —Brush your pet’s coat regularly to keep it healthy and mat-free and to retain its natural oils and shine. 

#6: A secure leash and collar

Frozen lakes, ponds, and other water bodies can be dangerous for you and your pet. Falling through ice can cause hypothermia, organ damage, or drowning, while ice can cut skin, cause ice burn or frostbite, and cause serious  injuries if you or your pet slip or fall.  Avoid these frosty hazards by using a non-retractable leash on the ice to prevent your pet from roaming to unsafe areas. Also, keep your pet leashed on daily walks through wooded areas, since frozen ponds are often concealed by snow and aren’t visible until you walk on them. The best prevention is to keep your pet off the ice.

Winter weather can be brutal, but  these essentials can keep your pet safe, warm, and comfortable. Our team at Hearthstone Veterinary Hospital is here for all of your pet’s cold weather needs or problems. Contact us to schedule your pet’s next wellness exam.